Today we got to enjoy a good report from the youth team that went to help out one woman in desperate need for some help. They called her Miss Ellen and they all grew to love her! The team worked hard the week they were there repairing walls, floors and even had a hand at helping to restore her water. Triece Bush, the lady with the mic, shared how the team helped Miss Ellen get her water restored.

Triece Tells Water Retrieval Story
The team showed us pictures of their time with Miss Ellen and then of the opportunity they all had to visit the Jersey Shore and New York City. On the trip back Mr. Craig, pictured in the middle of the group, asked the youth, “Who thought the highlight of their trip would be the Jersey Shore and New York City?”. The all raised their hands. Then he asked if that really was their highlight? The response was mostly the time spent with Miss Ellen. I believe our youth and the chaperones certainly learned some life lessons while being used of God to fulfill needs and encourage those they came in contact with. Thanks for sharing!